Uberti Black Powder Revolvers

Enfield Sports can supply Uberti black powder Revolvers you must have a slot on your firearms licence to obtain. Manufactured in Italy by Uberti. In 1959, Aldo Uberti founded A. Uberti, S.r.l. in the village of Gardone Val Trompia in the Italian Alps and began making replicas of Civil War-era cap-and-ball revolvers. As the experience and skill of his craftsmen grew, Uberti expanded into replicas of rifles. Not only are the Uberti guns exacting replicas down to the finest detail, but with modern machinery and materials, they’re actually better than the originals.

Manufactured in Italy by Uberti.
Uberti is a well known manufacturer of high quality replicas of 19th century American percussion revolvers, carbines and rifles. These replicas are used by historical re-enactors and target shooters. Thanks to their exceptional quality, Uberti replicas are also sought after by collectors and historical firearms enthusiasts.